What Does a Virtual Visit Involve?

As we settle into the second month of COVID-19 stay-home policies, everyone is starting to come to terms with the fact that we must find new ways to get back on track with our lives. Transitioning to online visits has been an incredible tool to enable patients to continue to engage and progress despite this challenging societal situation. Not only are we able to offer our highly specialized expertise to people in their homes during this crisis, but because of the awesome feedback we’ve received we are excited to continue to offer virtual services, enabling people outside our geographic neighborhood to see us for treatment.

Many of you have asked, “what does a virtual visit entail? How much can you really do with me via video?”

The answer: SO MUCH!  Clients have been amazed at how much they can benefit from virtual visits.

Click here for a short demo of a virtual session. (A more detailed video of this session can be found here.)

A few examples of what we can do in the “online treatment room”:

  • Evaluate your posture, breath mechanics, range of motion, and movement patterns just like we would in clinic
  • Perform guided self-assessment for Diastasis Recti, Pelvic Floor strength/awareness, prolapse, and pelvic floor muscle spasm/pain
  • Teach you how to engage your deep core system and self-assess core exercises for diastasis-safety pre and postnatally
  • Teach you how to self mobilize scar tissue, muscles, fascia and joints for pain relief
  • Assess movements/ chores/ exercises in your own environment and provide immediate feedback for modification
  • Provide detailed education on management of prolapse, diastasis recti, pelvic/perineal pain, and strength training for pregnancy

Other cool things about virtual visits:

  • Flexible Scheduling day or night (not far to go!)
  • Possible reimbursement from insurance. (California has mandated coverage)
  • Virtual visits can be done anywhere – we can help you even if you’re many miles away!
  • You can actually DO something to move toward your health goals while you’re quarantined, without going to a medical office.

Are you ready to get after your goals?

Give us a call at 858-247-2660!   You can also schedule a visit online OR in-clinic at www.SHEFitPT.com/scheduling.

I look forward to hearing from you and serving you soon!